Media | Kisaco Research


AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit Europe
June 2025


Check out some of the latest news across our AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit Series, plus check out useful resources and insightful interviews with leaders within the space.

  • EE Times
    Explore Sally Ward-Foxton's latest article on EE Times, discussing 'Can DSP Math Help Beat the GPU for AI?'. Gain insights into Sally's exploration of Lemurian Labs - an AI chip startup that invented a new logarithmic number format designed for AI acceleration and is building a chip to take advantage of it for data center AI workloads!
  • Medium
    Discover 'The Advent of the Era of Artificial Intelligence Computing' blog post by Tsang-Yung Wu on Medium. Gain insights into the present progress of major AI hardware companies such as Nvidia, AMD, Tesla, and Google, as well as emerging startups! Give it a read to find out everything you need to know...
  • Tech Arena
    Dive into Allyson Klein's latest blog post on Tech Arena for an exploration into 'Lemurian Labs: A Robin Hood for AI Access'. Allyson's blog post sheds light on the insights gained from Lemurian Labs and its visionary CEO - Jay Dawani - a speaker at the AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit 2023. Give it a read to find out more.
  • Tech Arena
    TechArena host Allyson Klein explores high-speed connectivity at the AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit with Alphawave Semi's CTO, Tony Chan Carusone. Discover Alphawave Semi's strategy and what they’re seeing in the market as AI adoption broadens across cloud service providers and into the enterprise.
  • Cabot Partners
    Cabot Partners’ analysts and partners, M. R. Pamidi, Ph. D., and Jean Bozman, recently attended two #genAI conferences. Discover their insights from both conferences where industry leaders such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and more outlined their strategies and plans to go after this rapidly growing market.
  • EE Times
    EE Times - Sally Ward-Foxton, chats in an exclusive interview with renowned computer scientist and keynote presenter at the AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit - Andrew Ng, on the topic of 'visual prompting' using Landing AI's user interface to prompt an AI agent to recognize objects in images. Give the article a read!
  • EE Times
    Dive into Sally Ward-Foxton's latest article on EE Times for an exploration into the topic of ROCm (Radeon Open Compute platform) that was addressed at the AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit, by AMD's keynote - Vamsi Boppana, who said 'ROCm is AMD's No.1 Priority'. Claim valuable insights from this article.
  • Tech Arena
    TechArena host Allyson Klein chats with Tenstorrent’s - David Bennett at the AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit about the company’s vision for RISC-V + accelerator solutions to usher in a new era of AI compute and how customers are hungry for alternatives including custom designs. Find out what David had to say.
  • Tech Arena
    TechArena host Allyson Klein chats with Lemurian Labs co-founder and CEO Jay Dawani at the AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit about his vision for a mathematical revolution in AI and how his company plans to change the game on AI performance. Check out the podcast to find out what was discussed.
  • Bits&Chips
    Dive into this article by Sander Arts on Bits&Chips titled 'AI isn’t all about speeds and feeds'. Sander - an AI Hardware & Edge AI 2023 Summit attendee explains in this article that "Commercial success in AI isn't merely about performance" but more... Check out the full read to find out his insights from the summit!
  • Enfabrica
    Enfabrica Corporation, a rapidly expanding start-up company specializing in converged networking and memory fabric technology for AI and accelerated computing workloads, announced a successful $125 million Series B financing round at the AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit. Check out the full press release for more details!
  • Tech Arena
    Dive into Allyson Klein's latest blog post on Tech Arena for an exploration into 'A Mutiny of AI Silicon Innovation at AI HW and Edge Summit'. Her insights shed light on the forefront of artificial intelligence, making it a must-read for anyone passionate about staying up-to-date with the future of technology.
  • Axelera AI - New Product Launch!
    Axelera AI, proudly announces the launch of the MetisTM AI Platform at the AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit 2023 in Santa Clara, CA! This innovative offering promises to revolutionize real-time processing capabilities, empowering businesses to harness the full potential of AI at the edge. Check out the press release!
  • EE Times
    Check out this podcast, where Sally Ward-Foxton discusses Qualcomm's demonstrations of generative AI on Snapdragon mobile processors with Vinesh Sukumar. They explore the future of edge-based generative AI, highlight Snapdragon's AI acceleration techniques, and discuss what you should look out for at the AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit.
    Read the 'AI Hardware and Edge AI Summit 2023: Become Part of the Greatest Machine Learning Summit'
    Read this Enterprise AI article about the 'AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit, Sept 12-14, 2023 – Santa Clara Marriott, CA'
    Read this article by Redwerk to discover 'The Top Tech events in 2023: Quarter 3 Ultimate Guide'
    Read this HPCwire article about the 'AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit, Sept 12-14, 2023 – Santa Clara Marriott, CA'
  • JP Data
    Read this JP Data article to discover 'After five years, how is the AI chip market doing'
  • 4S
    Read about 'AI and the Micro-Materialities of Hardware: Reflections on Theory and Methods
  • IoT Now Magazine
    The latest on IoT security, connectivity, transport, and utilities.
  • VanillaPlus
    iconectiv’s Mike O’Brien explains how verified identity will slam the door on fraud
  • Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC™)
    NuPIC™ is an AI software platform that draws on Numenta's decades of neuroscience research to enable the deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) on CPUs with simplicity, scalability, and speed.


If you're interested in a press pass, have a resource to share or would like to learn about media partnership opportunities, please contact [email protected]


Here's a selection of useful resources to learn more about the event, our Partners and what is happening within the industry. Plus, we've included an exclusive interview with Alexis Black Bjorlin, VP, Infrastructure Hardware at Meta, filmed onsite at the event last year! 


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